Membership Directory

J. Harris Builders, LLC

J. Harris Builders, LLC


IndustryMachine Shop

About Us

J Harris Builders LLC in Dutton.
??How many years have you been in business?
42 years
??What motivates you?
Providing for my family and I enjoy what I do.
??Why are you a Chamber member?
To help support the promotion of new and existing businesses. This is turn helps us all.
??What’s an interesting fact about you business most people don’t know?
Products from one shop in Dutton, AL have been installed in over 2500 McDonalds across the Southeast.
??Do you have any advice for new business owners?
Never give up – no matter what the business, there will be plenty of hard times. Be prepared to keep a positive attitude.
??When you’re not working, where in Jackson County do you like to spend your time?
On our hobby farm and going to car shows.

Rep/Contact Info

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Mr. Jonathan Harris